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Visitors 9
21 photos

food: any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.
Soft drink splashGin and cranberry cocktailGin and cranberry cocktail - close upPancakes with fruitPancakes with fruit and icing sugar dustingPancakes with fruit, icing sugar and syrup drizzleChinese beef and black bean sauceChinese beef and black bean sauce - landscapeGlazed doughnut trioKrispy Kreme coffee with creamKrispy Kreme coffee with cream and sprinkles showerThe BakerSushiSushi - close upMeringue with fruitMeringue with fruit and creamThai Green CurryThai green curry in profileTonys ChocolonelyTonys Chocolonely - landscape